Jakub Staszczyk, Attorney at Law

website / 2016


The firm was established in 2005. Values that set the Firm apart are an individual approach to each Client and a high level of mutual trust. These premises allow the Firm to avoid standardized solutions and to design, together with Clients, optimal strategies to each situation. Ars Vision’s task was to accentuate individual characteristics that let the Firm stand out.

This entailed a creation of a corporate style both unique among the competition and simultaneously adherent to the rigors and tradition of law practice. Particular attention was directed at a selection of color pallets. The website was meant to be an interactive business card of the Firm and, in fact, its virtual office.

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We attempted to connect visual esthetics and ease of navigation, bringing together a classical menu structure and animated effects.

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Photo session

Guided by the Firm’s traditions - in particular its individual approach - the Ars Vision team bypassed any stocked material for content creation, and opted instead for a professional photo shoot, in order to reflect a real process of work at a law practice.

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